My wishes for you for the new year:
May 2007 be the year by which you take the world by storm,
May you excel in your studies and/or careers,
May you have fun and enjoy every minute of every hour of your day,
May god grant you peace of body, mind and soul.
May you accomplish every single resolution you write.
May you explore new horizons and enter new domains.
May you stretch your comfort zone and free yourself of fears.
May you discover talents and aspects of yourself you didn’t know.
May you find your significant others or may they find you.
Wishing you all happiness and health and success.
Ok, people don’t party too hard on New Year and most importantly I want to hear all about you people, so your resolution for the new year is as follows (repeat after me):
“I vow to keep in touch with the friends I have made over the ages and who’s freindship has enriched my life.”
The disroiented mind